I'm a world traveler, digital nomad, entrepreneur and software engineer

Дижитал номадын визны тухай бүгдийг

Дэлхийн хаанаас ч ажиллаж амьдрахыг мөрөөдөж байна уу?

Тийм бол та ганцаараа биш ээ!

Маш олон хүн интернэтээр ажлаа хийж хүссэн газраасаа ажиллаж, эрх чөлөөтэй, адал явдалтай амьдрахыг сонгож амьдарч байна. Одоогоор 35 сая хүн дэлхий тойрч амьдрангаа ажиллаж байна. Австралийн их сургуулийн судал

Хэрэв та өөр улсад очиж хууль ёсоор ажиллаж амьдрахыг хүсч байвал танд Дижитал Номад виз хэрэгтэй.

Дижитал Номад виз гэж юу вэ?

Энэ нь албан ёсны визний нэг төрөл бөгөөд таныг өөр улсад очоод тодорхой хугацаанд хууль ёсоор ажиллаж амьдрах эрх олгоно.

Жирийн сургалтын эсвэл жуулчны визийг бодвол ялгаатай нь та хууль ёсоор ажиллаж амьдрах эрхтэй болж байгаа юм. Гол нь та интернэтээр ажиллаж орлого олдог гэдгээ батлахад л хангалттай. Үүнд freelancer эсвэл зайнаас ажилладаг (remote worker) гэдгээ батлахад л хангалттай. Жишээ нь банкны хуулга, ажлын газры тодорхойлолт дээр үүнийгээ онцолж өгсөн байх ёстой.

Дижитал Номад визний давуу талууд

Дижитал номад виз авах нь олон давуу талтай. Жишээ нь:

  • Өөр соёл, хэл, амьдралын хэв маяг орж сонирхолтой амьдрана.
  • Найз нөхөд ажлын хамтрагч нарын хүрээ олон улсаар хэмжигдэж эхэлнэ
  • Татварын мөнгө, амьдрах зардал, аяллын зардалаа хэмнэнэ
  • Уян хатан ажлын цаг, олон төрлийн сонирхолтой ажлууд, үйлчлүүлэгч нартай ажиллана
  • Энэ нь эргээд мэргэжлийн түвшинд асар хурдтай өсч, олон улсын хүмүүсээс суралцана
  • Илүү хөгжсөн дэд бүтэц, эрүүл мэндийн үйлчилгээ авах, боловсролын сайн үйчилгээтэй мөн нийгмийн халамж сайтай газар ажиллаж амьдрах боломж үүснэ
  • Ерөнхийдөө интернэтээр ажлаа хийдэг бол өөрийгөө болон хайртай хүмүүсээ хамаагүй дээр орчинд аваачаад сонирхолтой амьдрах болно

Дижитал номад олгож байгаа улсуудыг сонгоход туслах үүднээс доорх мэдээллийг бэлдэж орууллаа.

Доорх жагсаалт танд дижитал номад олгож байгаа улс орнууд, шаардагдах материалууд, тавигдах шаардлага, виз олгох хугацаа, мөн тухайн визний нэрүүдийг орууллаа.

Мөн удахгүй Дижитал номадын виз олгох гэж буй улс орнуудыг ч дурдаж өгсөн байгаа.


1. Croatia – Хорват

The Croatia digital nomad visa was introduced in January 2021 and allows remote workers to stay for up to one year.

  • Визний Нэр: Digital Nomad Visa
  • Тавигдах шаардлага: Must be a non-EU citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Сарын орлого доод тал нь: $2,658/month

2. Cyprus

The Cyprus digital nomad visa was introduced in early 2022 and allows remote workers to stay for up to one year (renewable).

  • Визний Нэр: Remote Work Visa
  • Тавигдах шаардлага: Must be a non-EU citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Сарын орлого доод тал нь: €2,000/month

3. Czech Republic

Чех улс нэг жилийн хугацаатай Дижитал номадын виз олгож байгаа бөгөөд шинэчлэх боломжтой.

  • Визний Нэр: Zivno visa
  • Тавигдах шаардлага: Европын холбооны бус орных иргэн байх. Хувиараа бизнес эрхлэдэг эсвэл өөр улсуудад зайнаас ажилладаг байх.
  • Сарын орлого доод тал нь: €417/сард

4. Estonia

Эстони улсын дижитал номадын виз анх 2020 оны 8 сард нээгдсэн ба нэг жил хүртэл олгодог.

  • Visa Name: Digital Nomad Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-EU citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Сарын орлого доод тал нь: €3,504/сард

5. Hungary

Унгарын дижитал номадын виз 2021 оны 11 сард өгч эхэлсэн ба 2 жил хүртэл олгодог байна. Сунгаж болно.

  • Visa Name: Digital Nomad Visa (also known as the White Card)
  • Европын холбооны бус орны иргэн байх. non-EEA, эсвэл non-Swiss иргэн байх & бизнес эрхлэгч эсвэл гадны байгууллагад зайнаас ажилладаг байх ёстой.
  • Minimum Income: €1,500/month

6. Iceland

The Iceland digital nomad visa was introduced in August 2020 and allows remote workers to stay for up to six months.

  • Visa Name: Long-Term Visa for Remote Workers
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-EU citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: $4,000/month

7. Latvia

The Latvia digital nomad visa was introduced in October 2021 and allows remote workers to stay for up to one year.

  • Visa Name: Digital Nomad Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-EU citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: €3,000/month

8. Malta

The Malta digital nomad visa was introduced in June 2021 and allows remote workers to stay for up to one year.

  • Visa Name: Nomad Residence Permit
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-EU citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: €2,700/month

9. Portugal

The Portugal digital nomad visa allows remote workers to stay for up to two years (renewable).

  • Visa Name: Portugal D7 Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-EU citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: €600/month 

10. Spain

The Spain digital nomad visa was introduced in September 2021 and allows remote workers to stay for up to one year (renewable).

  • Visa Name: Spain Digital Nomad Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-EU citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: €2,130/month

11. The Netherlands

The Netherland digital nomad visa was introduced in January 2023 and allows remote workers to stay for up to one year.

  • Visa Name: Self-employment Residence Permit or MVV Visa
  • Шаардлага: Недерландын бус иргэн байх, мөн бизнес эрхлэгч эсвэл гадаадын компанип зайнаас ажилладаг байх.
  • Minimum Income: €1,270/month

12. Norway (only in Svalbard)

Norway launched an up to one-year visa for digital nomads who want to live in Svalbard. The visa does not grant newcomers access to public services or allow them to engage in local work or study.

  • Visa Name: Self-Employed Visa (only in Svalbard)
  • Шаардлага: Норвегийн бус иргэн байх мөн бизнес эрхлэгч эсвэл гадаадын компанип зайнаас ажилладаг байх.
  • Minimum Income: NOK 41,667/month

13. Germany

Germany launched a one-year freelance visa in January 2023 for remote workers and digital nomads.

  • Visa Name: German Freelancer Visa or Freiberufler Visa.
  • Шаардлага: Германы бус иргэн байх мөн бизнес эрхлэгч эсвэл гадаадын компанип зайнаас ажилладаг байх.
  • Minimum Income: €1,000/month

14. Andorra

Andorra is working on a one-year digital nomad visa for remote workers and digital nomads.

The visa is expected to be launched in 2023

  • Visa Name: Non-lucrative Visa
  • Шаардлага: Бизнес эрхлэгч эсвэл гадаадын компанип зайнаас ажилладаг байх.
  • Minimum Income: €2,500/month

15. Mexico

Mexico offers up to 4-year stay visas for remote workers and digital nomads.

  • Visa Name: Temporary Resident Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: Income of at least $1,620/month

16. Italy

Italy does not have a specific visa for digital nomads but is in the process of approving one. The Self-employment visa or Lavoro autonomo allows digital nomads to work and stay for up to 12 months, renewable for up to 5 years.

  • Visa Name: Self-Employment visa or Lavoro Autonomo Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: €8,500 per month

17. Turkey

Turkey does not currently offer a digital nomad visa. However, you can apply for a Short-term Residence Permit that allows you to stay for up to 1 year.

  • Visa Name: Short-term Residence Permit
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: TRY 10,000 (about $1,000) per month.

18. Greece

The Greece digital nomad visa was introduced in October 2021 and allows remote workers to stay for up to one year (renewable).

  • Visa Name: Digital Nomad Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-EU citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: €2,000/month

19. Serbia

The digital nomad visa for Serbia is still in the making, but the country is very open to digital nomads. You can apply for a temporary residence visa if you want to stay in Serbia for more than 3 months and for  A sole proprietorship visa is valid for one year.

  • Visa Name: Temporary Residence Visa or  Sole proprietorship visa 
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: €3,500 per month

20. North Macedonia

North Macedonia launched a one-year renewable residence permit for remote workers and digital nomads in January 2023.

  • Visa Name: Long-term Residence Permit for Digital Nomads
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a Non-North Macedonian citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: €1,000/month

21. Montenegro

Montenegro offers a one-year renewable temporary residence permit for remote workers and digital nomads, launched in January 2023.

  • Visa Name: Temporary Residence Permit for Digital Nomads
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a Non-Montenegrin citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: €304/month

22. Romania

The Romania digital nomad visa was introduced in July 2021 and allows remote workers to stay for up to one year.

  • Visa Name: Romania Digital Nomad Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-EU citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: €833/month

23. Albania

The Albanian Digital Nomad Visa is still in the planning stage, with no confirmed launch date yet. But, they offer special visas to remote workers to work and stay for up to 12 months, renewable for up to 5 years, then eligible for permanent residency.

  • Visa Name: Unique Permit
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: $9,800/year


1. Mauritius

Mauritius launched its one-year (renewable) premium travel visa for remote workers and digital nomads in October 2020.

  • Visa Name: Mauritius Premium Travel Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-Mauritian citizen, self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income:  $1,500/month

2. South Africa

The South African Digital Nomad Visa is still in the works, but it is expected to be launched in 2023. The visa will allow for a stay of up to one year.

  • Visa Name: Digital Nomad Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-South African citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: $3000/month

3. Cape Verde/ Cabo Verde:

Cape Verde launched its six-month renewable virtual working program for remote workers and digital nomads in October 2021

  • Visa Name: Digital Nomad Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-Cape Verdean citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.

4. Seychelles

Seychelles launched its one-year renewable residence permit for remote workers and digital nomads in November 2020.

  • Visa Name: Seychellois Remote Worker Visa 
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-Seychellois citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: $1,000/month

5. Namibia

Namibia launched its six-month remote working visa for remote workers and digital nomads in October 2021.

  • Visa Name: Digital Nomad Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-Namibian citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: $2,000/month

South America

1. Argentina

The Argentine Temporary Resident Visa is a good option for those who want to stay in Argentina for up to four years.

  • Visa Name: Temporary Resident Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-Argentine citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: $2,500/month

2. Brazil

Brazil launched its two-year temporary residence permit for remote workers and digital nomads in November 2021.

  • Visa Name: Temporary Stay Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-Brazilian citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: $2,000/month

3. Colombia

The Colombia digital nomad visa was introduced in October 2021 and became available in January 2023. It allows remote workers to stay for up to two years.

  • Visa Name: Visa V Nómadas Digitales
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-Colombian citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: $1500/ month

4. Ecuador

Ecuador launched its two-year temporary residence permit for remote workers and digital nomads in July 2021.

  • Visa Name: Rentista Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-Ecuadorian citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: $400/month

5. Uruguay

Uruguay has launched a digital nomad visa that allows remote workers to stay for up to one year, with the possibility of extension.

  • Visa Name: Digital Nomad Visa or Hoja de Identidad Provisoria Nómada Digital
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-Uruguayan citizen, self-employed, or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: $1000/month

Central America

1. Panama

Panama offers a nine months and can be renewed for another nine months for remote workers and digital nomads who want to live in Panama

  • Visa Name: Short-Stay Visa for Remote Workers.
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or remote employee working for a foreign company
  • Сарын орлого доод тал нь: $1,000/сард or $5,000 in a Panamanian bank account

2. Costa Rica

Costa Rica launched its two-year digital nomad visa for remote workers and digital nomads in October 2021.

  • Visa Name: Rentista Digital or Digital Nomad Program
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or remote employee working for a foreign company
  • Сарын орлого доод тал нь: $2,500/сард or $4,000/сард for a family

3. Belize

Belize launched its six-month virtual working program for remote workers and digital nomads in October 2021.

  • Visa Name: Digital Nomad Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or remote employee working for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: $2,000/month

4. Guatemala

Guatemala doesn’t have a digital nomad visa yet. You will need to apply for a different visa, such as a Rentista Visa or a Pensionado Visa. Both visas allow you to stay for up to two years.

  • Visa Name: Rentista Visa or the Pensionado Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or remote employee working for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: $2,000 USD (Rentista Visa) or $1,250 USD (Pensionado Visa)

Middle East

1. Dubai (United Arab Emirates)

Dubai launched its one-year virtual working program for remote workers and digital nomads in March 2021. The visa lets foreign professionals live in Dubai while continuing to work for employers abroad.

  • Visa Name: Work Remotely from Dubai or Virtual Working Programme Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-UAE citizen who is self-employed or has a valid work contract from a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: $5,000/month

2. Bahrain

Bahrain is reportedly working on a new remote work visa, and the visa is expected to be launched in 2023.. According to the official website of the Bahrain Economic Development Board, the visa is called the Remote Work Visa and it will allow eligible professionals to live and work remotely from Bahrain for up to one year


1. Australia

Australia offers two visas for digital nomad Working Holiday Visa (417) and the Work and Holiday Visa (462), and it allows for a stay of up to three years.

  • Visa Name: Working Holiday Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-Australian citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company. 
  • Minimum Income: $5,000 AUD /month

2. New Zealand

New Zealand offers Remote Worker Visas and Working Holiday visas for digital nomads who are between 18 and 30 years old and allows for a stay of up to 12 months.

  • Visa Name: Remote Worker Visa or Working Holiday Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-New Zealand citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: $4,200 NZD /month

3. Vanuatu

The Vanuatu Working Holiday Visa is a great option for those who want to experience a different culture and work remotely. It allows for a stay of up to one year.

  • Visa Name: Working Holiday Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a citizen of one of the eligible countries, which includes most countries in Europe, North America, and Oceania
  • Minimum Income: $1,500/month

4. Cook Islands

The Cook Islands is another country in Oceania that is considering a digital nomad visa. The digital nomad visa is still in the planning stage and there is no confirmed launch date yet. Therefore, the requirements for the Cook Islands digital nomad visa are also unknown at this point.

5. Fiji

Fiji also has a visa that is designed for remote workers, but it is not specifically for digital nomads. The visa allows you to stay in Fiji for up to one year, and there is no minimum income requirement.


1. Georgia

The Georgia digital nomad visa was introduced in July 2020 and allows remote workers to stay for up to one year.

  • Visa Name: Digital Nomad Visa / Remotely From Georgia
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-Georgian citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: $2,000/month

2. Indonesia

Indonesia launched its single-entry business visa for remote workers and digital nomads in October 2020. Digital nomads can live and work in Bali for up to five years, with the possibility of renewing the visa for an additional five years.

  • Visa Name: B211a  Visa 
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-Indonesian citizen, self-employed, or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: $1,500/month

3. Malaysia

Malaysia offers a DE Rantau Nomad Pass for remote workers and digital nomads who want to live in Malaysia while continuing to work for employers abroad. It allows a stay for up to 12 months.

  • Visa Name: DE Rantau Pass
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-Malaysian citizen, self-employed, or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income:$2,500/month

4. Vietnam

  • Visa Name: Remote Work Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-Vietnamese citizen, self-employed, or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: $1,000/month

5. Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s digital nomad visa is still not available. But digital nomads can still work remotely in Sri Lanka with a 30-day ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization). They can also extend their tourist visa for longer stays.

  • Visa Name: Sri Lanka ETA 
  • Eligibility Criteria: Must be a non-Sri Lankan citizen who is self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: $2000/month

6. Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan’s Freelancer Visa allows digital nomads to work and stay in Uzbekistan. The Freelancer Visa is valid for one year and can be renewed for up to two additional years.

  • Visa Name: Freelancer Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: $1,000/month

7. Tajikistan

The Freelancer Visa in Tajikistan allows digital nomads to work and stay, whereas the visa is valid for one year and can be renewed.

  • Visa Name: Freelancer Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or working remotely for a foreign company.
  • Minimum Income: TJS 10,000 (about $200)  per month

8. South Korea

The South Korean government is currently working on a digital nomad visa, and it is expected to be launched in the near future. The visa will allow remote workers to stay in South Korea for up to one year.

9. Taiwan

The Taiwanese government is also considering a digital nomad visa. The visa is not yet available, but it is expected to be launched in the near future.

Caribbean countries

1. Barbados

Barbados offers a 12-month digital nomad visa for remote workers and digital nomads. The visa grants newcomers access to most public services and allows them to bring their dependents and pets.

  • Visa Name: Barbados Welcome Stamp
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or remote employee working for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: $50,000/year

2. Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda launched digital nomad visas in July 2020, and Antigua allows two-year digital nomad visas for remote workers and digital nomads.

  • Visa Name: Nomad Digital Resident (NDR) Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or remote employee working for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: $50,000/year

3. Bermuda

Bermuda offers an up to 2-year stay digital nomad visa for remote workers and digital nomads launched in January 2022.

  • Visa Name: Work from Bermuda Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or remote employee working for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: $30,000/year 

4. Anguilla

Anguilla Digital Nomad Visa was launched in January 2022 and offers a stay of up to 12 months for remote workers and digital nomads

  • Visa Name: Work from Anguilla Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or remote employee working for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: $3000/month

5. Montserrat

Montserrat offers a 12-month digital nomad visa for remote workers and digital nomads, launched in January 2022.

  • Visa Name: Montserrat Remote Work Stamp
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or remote employee working for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: $50,000/year

6. Dominica

Dominica offers an 18-month digital nomad visa for remote workers and digital nomads, launched in January 2022.

  • Visa Name: Work in Nature Program (WIN).
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or remote employee working for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: $30,000/year

7. The Bahamas

The Bahamas offers a 12-month digital nomad visa for remote workers and digital nomads from October 2020.

  • Visa Name: The Bahamas Extended Access Travel Stay (BEATS)
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or remote employee working for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: $40,000/year

8. Curaçao

Curacao offers a six-month digital nomad visa for remote workers and digital nomads who want to live in Curacao while continuing to work for employers abroad.

  • Visa Name: Temporary Stay Permit for Digital Nomads/Remote Workers
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or remote employee working for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: $2,500/month or $15,000 for six months

9. Saint Lucia

The Saint Lucia Digital Nomad Visa lets remote workers, freelancers, and students live and work in Saint Lucia for 12 months.

  • Visa Name: Digital Nomad Visa or Live It Program
  • Шаардлага: Self-employed or remote employee working for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: €1,500/month

10. Cayman Islands

The Cayman Islands offers a 24-month digital nomad visa for remote workers and digital nomads.

  • Visa Name: Global Citizen Concierge Program
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or remote employee working for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: $100,000/year for individuals, $150,000/year for couples, or $180,000/year for families

11. Grenada

Grenada offers a Digital Nomad Visa that allows digital nomads to work and stay in Grenada for up to one year.

  • Visa Name: Digital Nomad Visa
  • Eligibility Criteria: Self-employed or remote employee working for a foreign company
  • Minimum Income: $37,000 per year